ISO 5211 Flange Dimensions

Table 4 —Dimensions and torques for drive by key(s)

Dimensions in millimetres

Flange type Max. flange torque Nm h4 max.f ls min d₇a,b,g
F05 125 3,0 30 Ø12 Ø14 Ø18c Ø22                                  
F07 250 3,0 35 Ø14 Ø18 Ø22c Ø28                                
F10 500 3,0 45 Ø18 Ø22 Ø28c Ø36 Ø42                            
F12 1000 3,0 55       Ø22 Ø28 Ø36c Ø42 Ø48 Ø50                        
F14 2000 5,0 65         Ø28 Ø36 Ø42 Ø48c Ø50 Ø60                      
F16 4000 5,0 80             Ø42 Ø48 Ø50 Ø60c Ø72 Ø80                  
F25 8000 5,0 110               Ø48 Ø50 Ø60 Ø72c Ø80 Ø98 Ø100              
F30 16000 5,0 130                   Ø60 Ø72 Ø80 Ø98c Ø100 Ø120            
F35 32000 5,0 180                               Ø160          
F40 63000 8,0 200                                 Ø180        
F48 125000 8,0 250                                   Ø220      
F60 250000 8,0 310                                     Ø280    
F80 500000 10 455                                       Ø350  
F100 1000000 10 655                                         Ø440
Max.transmissible torque
32 63 125 250 500 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 8000 12 000 16 000 e e e e e e e e

a For flange types F05 to F30,other dimensions of d₇between those indicated are permitted.

b For flange types above F30,the given dr values correspond to the maximum and any value up to this maximum is permitted,subject to considerations in footnote d.

c Indicates the preferred dimension

d For flange types F05 to F30,these values are the corresponding torques which can be transmitted by the driving components having the d₇dimensions.They are based on a maximum allowable torsional stress of 280 MPa for the driven component.

e The maximum transmissible torques shall be determined by calculation fh₄min=0,5 mm

g dz shall be manufactured within the diameter tolerance H9


ISO 5211 specifies requirements for the attachment of part-turn actuators, with or without gearboxes, to industrial valves.

The attachment of part-turn actuators to control valves in accordance with the requirements of this document is subject to an agreement between the supplier and the purchaser.

ISO 5211 specifies:

— flange dimensions necessary for the attachment of part-turn actuators to industrial valves [see Figures 1 a) and 1 c)] or to intermediate supports [see Figures 1 b) and 1 d)];

— driving component dimensions of part-turn actuators necessary to attach them to the driven components;

— reference values for torques for interfaces and for couplings having the dimensions specified in this document.

The attachment of the intermediate support to the valve is out of the scope of this document.

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Valve type (ball, gate, globe, check etc.), valve size, pressure class, valve material, and end connection (flanged, butt welding etc.)