ISO 10497: Fire type-testing requirements of valves

ISO 10497 specifies fire type-testing requirements and a fire type-test method for valves with one or more obturators. It is not applicable to the testing requirements for valve actuators other than manually operated gearboxes or similar mechanisms when these form part of the normal valve assembly. Other types of valve actuators (e.g. electrical, pneumatic or hydraulic) can need special protection to operate in the environment considered in this valve test, and the fire testing of such actuators is outside the scope of this document.

ISO10497 specifies the measurement and assessment criteria for:

a) through-seat leakage;

b) external leakage;

c) cavity overpressure relief of double seated valves;

d) operability.

This document specifies the rules whereby the fire-type testing qualification for a valve can be extended to untested sizes, pressure ratings, and materials of construction of the same basic design type.

Fire test reports of valves tested according to previous editions of ISO 10497 are acceptable when submitted together with the full and compliant fire test report as per 6.7 of the edition under which it was tested. Additional testing is specified for double seated valves where the body cavity relief valve setting was not recorded in the original fire test report.

NOTE For the purposes of this document, the terms “fire type-test” and “fire test” are synonymous.


External leakage following operational test

The average external leakage of the valve in the open position at the high test pressure (see 5.6.16) shall not exceed the value given in Table 1.

NOTE External leakage does not include potential leakage from the pipework-to-valve end connection (see 5.3.1).


Table 1—Maximum leak rates

Maximum leak rates ml/min
Valve size Through-sea During burn leakage After cool-down External leak During burn and cool-down age After operational test
see 5.6,11 and 6.2) (see 5.6.14 and 6.4) (see 5.6,13 and 6.3) (see 5.6,16 and 6.6)
Low test pressure High test pressure Low test pressure Low test pressure High test pressure High test pressure
8 1/4 32 128 13 8 32 8
10 3/8 40 160 16 10 40 10
15 1/2 60 240 24 15 60 15
20 3/4 80 320 32 20 80 20
25 1 100 400 40 25 100 25
32 11/4 128 512 51 32 128 32
40 11/2 160 640 64 40 160 40
50 2 200 800 80 50 200 50
65 21/2 260 1040 104 65 260 65
80 3 320 1280 128 80 320 80
100 4 400 1600 160 100 400 100
125 5 500 2000 200 125 500 125
150 6 600 2400 240 150 600 150
200 8 800 3200 320 200 800 200
>200 >8 800 3200 320 200 800 200

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Could you please kindly fulfill the following information when enquiring:

Valve type (ball, gate, globe, check etc.), valve size, pressure class, valve material, and end connection (flanged, butt welding etc.)