API 6D Terms, Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations, Symbols, and Units

3 Terms, Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations, Symbols, and Units

3.1 Terms and Definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following definitions apply


Association of multiple parts/components into a finished product, including as a minimum, installation of all pressure-containing and pressure-controlling parts needed to ensure conformance to applicable pressure testing requirements

axial valve

Valve with a cylindrical closure member that moves on an axis parallel to the direction of flow

NOTE See Figure B.1 for a representative configuration for an axial on–off valve (provided for illustration purposes only),

bidirectional seat

Valve seat designed to seal against pressure source in either direction

bidirectional valve

Valve designed for blocking the flow in either direction

bleed (verb)

To drain or vent

block and bleed valve

Valve with at least one seating surface that, in the closed position, provides a seal against pressure from one end of the valve with the body vented

block valve

Axial, ball, gate or plug valve that blocks flow when in the closed position

NOTE Valves may be either single seated or double seated or either bidirectional or unidirectional.

breakaway thrust
breakaway torque

Maximum thrust or torque required to operate a valve at maximum pressure differential

by agreement

Required understanding attained between the manufacturer and the purchaser needed for a given action to be completed.

NOTE If agreement is not reached, the associated action cannot be completed.

casting (noun)

Object at or near finished shape obtained by solidification of a fluid substance in a mold

NOTE Components made by hot isostatic pressing may not be identified as castings

closure member

Part of a valve, such as a ball, clapper, disc, gate, or plug, positioned in the flow stream to permit or prevent flow

NOTE Earlier editions of API 6D referred to this as an “obturator”.

design review and verification

Process of examining the result of design and development output to determine conformity with specified requirements

NOTE Design verification activities can include one or more of the following (this is not an all-inclusive list):

a) confirming the accuracy of design results through the performance of alternative calculations,

b) review of design output documents independent of activities of design and development,

c) comparing new designs to similar proven designs.

design validation

Process of proving a design by testing to demonstrate conformity of the product to design requirements

NOTE Design validation can include one or more of the following (this is not an all-inclusive list):

a) prototype tests,

b) functional and/or operational tests of production products,

c) tests specified by industry standards and/or regulatory requirements,

d) field performance tests and reviews.

double block and bleed valve

Valve with two or more seating surfaces that, in the closed position, provides a seal against pressure from both ends of the valve with a means of venting/bleeding the cavity between the seating surfaces

NOTE This valve does not provide positive double isolation when only one side is under pressure (see 3.1.15)

double isolation and bleed valve

Valve with two or more seating surfaces, each of which, in the closed position, provides a seal against pressure from a single source, with a means of venting/bleeding the cavity between the seating surfaces

NOTE This feature can be provided in one direction or in both directions.


Side of the valve where there would be no pressure or a lower pressure

NOTE 1 Where the valve is bidirectional, this reference may change sides.

NOTE 2 The term does not refer to flow direction.

drive train

All parts of a valve drive between the operator (but not including the operator) and the closure member that transmit or react to loads

flow coefficient

Volumetric flow rate of water at a temperature between 40 ° F (5 °C) and 104 ° F (40 °C) passing through a valve and resulting in a pressure loss of 14.5 psi (0.1 MPa; 1 bar)

NOTE Kv is related to the flow coefficient Cv, expressed in USC units of U.S. gallons per minute at 60 °F (15.6 °C) resulting in a 1 psi pressure drop as given by Equation (1):

Kv = Cv /1.156 (1)


Wheel used to manually operate a valve requiring multiple turns consisting of a rim connected to a hub (for example, by spokes)

locking device

Part or an arrangement of parts for securing a valve in the open and/or closed position

major weld repair

Any cavity prepared for repair welding that exceeds 20% of the part wall thickness or 1 in. depth, whichever is smaller or on the surface areas greater than 10 in.2 (64.5 cm2) or a through wall leak during any pressure testing


Organization that satisfies the requirements of this specification for activities that cannot be outsourced (3.1.29).

NOTE See 4.6.1 for activities that may be outsourced.

maximum allowable operating pressure

Maximum pressure at which the valve is permitted to operate, at a specified temperature, as defined by ASME B16.34 Table 2

maximum allowable stem torque/thrust

Maximum torque /thrust that can be applied to the valve drive train without risk of damage, as defined by the valve manufacturer

maximum pressure differential

Maximum difference between the upstream and downstream pressure across the closure member at which the closure member may be operated.

nominal [diameter] size

Numerical designation of size (in millimeters) that is common to components in piping systems

nominal pipe size

Numerical designation of size (in inches) that is common to components in piping systems


Device (or assembly) for opening or closing a valve that includes an actuator, gearbox, and direct drive devices

NOTE 1 A manual operator can be a wrench (lever) or hand-wheel with or without a gearbox.

NOTE 2 An operator can bean electric, hydraulic, or gas device bolted or otherwise attached to the valve for powered opening and closing of the valve.


Function, activity, or process that is performed by an external supplier on behalf of the manufacturer

packing gland

Components used to compress/retain the stem packing


Capability of a valve to permit the unrestricted passage of a pig

pipe pup
transition piece

Pipe or forged material that is welded to the valve

NOTE Pipe pups may be used to prevent valve-seal damage from girth welding or matching of valve material to pipeline strength

properties, or to provide a valve end matching the pipeline dimensions.

position indicator

Device to show the position of the valve closure member

pressure balance hole

Hole in the closure member that provides pressure balance between the valve bore and valve cavity only when in the open position, to avoid the cavity pressure being lower than the flow bore

pressure boundary bolting

Threaded fastener used to assemble pressure-containing parts

EXAMPLE Pressure boundary bolting can include studs, nuts, bolts, and cap screws.

pressure class

Numerical designation as defined in ASME Standard B16.34, which also defines the pressure and temperature rating for the end connector material of the valve.

NOTE The ASME rating class (pressure rating designation) is the word “Class,” followed by a dimensionless number (the designation for pressure–temperature ratings), for example: Class 150, Class 300, etc.

pressure-containing parts

Parts identified in 5.1.2 whose failure to function as intended results in a release of contained fluid into the environment

NOTE Pressure-containing parts do not include bolting (see Section 8).

pressure-controlling parts

Parts identified in 5.1.3 intended to allow or prevent the flow of fluids

receiving verification

Inward goods that are received at the manufacturer and identified as in conformance with the manufacturer’s purchase order requirements


Organization performing disassembly, reassembly, and testing of a valve with or without replacement of parts that includes machining, welding, heat-treating, and/or other manufacturing operations, to maintain conformance to this specification.

NOTE Replacement of the body is not permitted.


Organization performing disassembly, reassembly, and testing of a valve with or without replacement of parts that does not include machining, welding, and heat-treating, other manufacturing operations, or replacement of bodies to maintain conformance to this specification.

NOTE Repair processes can include buffing, polishing, deburring, and other minimal removal processes.

sealing surface

Contact surface of dynamic or static seals within the valve shell, excluding end connector sealing surfaces that mate with other equipment.

EXAMPLES Sealing surface examples include the stem, seat, cover/bonnet seals and backseat.

seating surfaces

Contact surfaces of the closure member and seat that ensure valve sealing

self-relieving seat

Valve seat designed to relieve pressure in the valve cavity

NOTE Depending upon valve type, the pressure may be relieved to the pressure source or the low-pressure side.


Part that supports the closure member on a check valve and may or may not pass through the pressure boundary

shell test

Test of the assembled pressure-containing parts


Part that drives the closure member and passes through the pressure boundary

stem extension assembly

Non-pressure containing assembly consisting of the stem extension and the stem extension housing

temperature, maximum operating

Upper temperature limit for product continuous operating service conditions

NOTE The maximum operating temperature may be limited by pressure.

temperature, minimum operating

Lower temperature limit for product continuous operating service conditions

NOTE The minimum operating temperature may be limited by pressure.

through-conduit valve

Valve with an unobstructed and continuous cylindrical opening

unidirectional seat

Valve seat designed to seal the pressure source in one direction only

unidirectional valve

Valve designed for blocking the flow in one direction only

unless otherwise agreed

Allowable modification of the requirements of this specification when the manufacturer and purchaser are in agreement

NOTE Modification of the requirements of this specification is permitted only for those clauses that include this term. If no modification agreement is identified between the manufacturer and purchaser, then the applicable clause is satisfied as stated.


Side of the valve where the pressure is retained.

NOTE 1 Where the valve is bidirectional, this reference may change sides.

NOTE 2 The term does not refer to flow direction.

visible leakage

Leakage of test fluid observed during a pressure test, either through direct observation or with the use of video equipment

NOTE Leakage may be observed through or past a pressure boundary or at an interface.


3.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations

For the purposes of this document, the following acronyms and abbreviations apply.

AWP                   ambient working pressure

ACCP                  ASNT Central Certification Program

API                      American Petroleum Institute

ASNT                  American Society for Nondestructive Testing

ASME                  American Society for Mechanical Engineers

ASTM                  American Society for Testing and Materials

AWS                    American Welding Society

BB                        block and bleed

BM                       base metal

BPVC                   boiler and pressure vessel code BSL bolting specification level

BTC                      break-to-close

BTO                      break-to-open

CE                        carbon equivalent

DBB                     double block and bleed

DIB                      double isolation and bleed

DN                       nominal size

DN                       nominal size

DPE                      double piston effect

ETC                       end–to–close

ETO                       end–to–open

HAZ                      heat-affected zone

HBW                     Brinell hardness, tungsten ball indenter

HRC                      Rockwell C hardness

ID                         Inner/Inside Diameter

ISO                       International Standards Organization

MAOP                  maximum allowable operating pressure

MAST                   maximum allowable stem torque/thrust

MPD                     maximum pressure differential

MSS                      Manufacturers Standardization Society

MT                        magnetic-particle testing

NDE                      nondestructive examination

NACE                    National Association of Corrosion Engineers

NORM                  Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material

NPS                      nominal pipe size

OD                       Outer/Outside Diameter

OEM                    original equipment manufacturer

PMI                     positive material identification

PQR                     (weld) procedure qualification record

PT                        penetrant testing

PWHT                 post-weld heat treatment

QSL                     quality specification level

QSL                     quality specification level

RT                        radiographic testing

RTC                     run–to–close

RTO                     run–to–open

SAE                     Society of Automotive Engineers

SMYS                  specified minimum yield strength

SPE                     single piston effect

SWL                    safe working limit

TC                        test coupon

TDI                      total dial indicator

TUS                     thermal uniformity survey

UT                        ultrasonic testing

VT                        visual testing

WM                      weld metal

WPS                     weld procedure specification

WPQ                    welder performance qualification


3.3 Symbols and Units

For the purposes of this document, the following symbols and units apply.

Cv   flow coefficient in USC units

Kv   flow coefficient in metric units

ppm  part per million (mass)

Sm  design stress intensity value

Sy  [specified minimum] yield strength


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Could you please kindly fulfill the following information when enquiring:

Valve type (ball, gate, globe, check etc.), valve size, pressure class, valve material, and end connection (flanged, butt welding etc.)