API 623 Trim Chart

API 623 trim material chart for all trim number, such as trim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5A, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 etc.


Table 8—Nominal Seating Surface, Stem, and Backseat Bushing or Weld Deposited Materials and Hardness

Trim Number Nominal Trim Seat Surface Hardness (HB) Minimum a Seat Surface Material Type b Seat Surface Typical Specifications Grad e Stem/Bushin g Stem Hardness (HB) Backseat Bushing Hardness (HB)
Cast Forged Welded Material Type b Typical Specifications Type
2 304 Vote d 18Cr-8Ni ASTM A351 (CF8) ASTM A182 (F304) AWS A5.9 ER308 8Cr-8N ASTM A276-T304 Note d Note d
3 F310 Note d 25Cr-20Ni a ASTMA182 (F310) AWS A5.9 ER310 25Cr-20N i ASTM A276-T310 Note d Note d
4 Hard F6 750 Hard 13Cr a Note' a 13Cr ASTMA276-T410 or T420 200 min 275 max 250 min
5 Hardfaced 350 Co-Cr Ag a a AWS A5.13 ECoCr-A or AWS A5.21 ERCoCr- A 13Cr ASTM A276 T410 or T420 200 min 275 max 250 min
5 A Hardfaced 350 Ni-Cr a a Note h 13Cr ASTM A276 T410 or T420 200 min 275 max 250 min
6 F6 and Cu-Ni 250 175i 13Cr and Cu-Ni ASTMA217 (CA 15) N  a ASTM A182(F6a) Note k AWS A5.9 ER410 N a 13Cr ASTM A276 T410 or T420 200 min 275 max 250 min
7 F6 and Hard F6 250 750 13Cr and Hard 13Cr ASTM A217 (CA 15) N  a ASTM A182(F6a) Note f AWS A5.9 ER410 N a 13Cr ASTM A276 T410 or T420 200 min 275 max 250 min
8 F6 and Hardfaced 250 350 13Cr and Co-Cr A g ASTM A217 (CA 15) N  a ASTM A182(F6a) N a AWS A5.9
AWS A5.13
ECoCr-A or
AWS A5.21
13Cr ASTM A276 T410 or T420 200 min 275 max 250 min
8A F6 and Hardfaced 250 i
350 i
13Cr and Ni-Cr ASTM A217 (CA15) N a ASTM A182 (F6a) N a AWS A5.9 ER410 Note h 13Cr ASTM A276 T410 or T420 200 min 275 max 250 min
9 Monel TM j Note d Ni-Cu Alloy a MFG Standard a Ni-Cu Alloy MFG Standard Note d Note d
10 316 Note d 18Cr-8Ni- Mo ASTM A351 (CF8M) ASTMA183 (F316) AWS A5.9 ER316 18Cr-8Ni- Mo ASTMA276-T316 Note d Note d


Table 8 —Nominal Seating Surface, Stem, and Backseat Bushing or Weld Deposited Materials and Hardness (Continued)  

Trim Number Nominal Trim Seat Surface Hardness (HB) Minimum a Seat Suface Material Type b Seat Surface Typical Specifications Grade Stem/Bushing Stem Hardness (HB) Backseat Bushing Hardness (HB)
Cast Forged Welded c Material Type b Typical Specifications Type
11 Monel TM j
and Hardfaced
Note d
350 i
Ni-Cu Alloy and Trim 5 or 5A NA MFG Standard NA See Trim 5 or 5A Nj-Cu Alloy N a MFG Standard N  a Note d Note d
12 316 and Hardfaced Note d
350 l
18Cr-8Ni- Mo and Trim 5 or 5A ASTM A351 (CF8M) ASTMA182 (F316) AWS A5.9 ER316 See Trim 5 or 5 a 18Cr-8Ni- Mo N a ASTM A276-T316 N a Note d Note d
13 Alloy 20 Note d 19Cr-29N ASTM A351 (CN7M) ASTM B473 AWS A5.9 ER320 19Cr-29Ni ASTM B473 Note d Note d
14 Alloy 20 and Hardfaced Note d 350 i 19Cr-29Ni and Trim 5 or 5A ASTM A351 (CN7M)N a ASTM B473 N a AWS A5.9 ER320 See Trim 5 or 5 a 19Cr-29Ni N a ASTM B473 N a Note d Note d
15 Hardfaced 350 Co-Cr A9 a a AWS A5.13 ECoCr-A or AWS A5.21 ERCoCr-A 18Cr-8N ASTM A276-T304 Vote d Note m
16 Hardface d 350 Co-Cr A 9 a a AWS A5.13 ECoCr-A or AWS A5.21 ERCoCr-A 18Cr-8Ni- Mo ASTM A276-T316 Note d Note m
17 Hardface d 350 Co-Cr A g a a AWS A5.13
CoCr-A or AWS A5.21 ERCoCr-A
18Cr-10Ni- C b ASTM A276-T347 Note d Note m
18 Hardface d 350 Co-CrA 9 NA NA AWS A5.13
ECoCr-A or
AWS A5.21
19Cr-29N ASTM B473 Note d Note m
19 Nickel l Note d Ni Alloy MFG Standard MFG Standard i MFG Standard Ni Alloy l MFG Standard l Note d Note m


Table 8—Nominal Seating Surface,Stem,and Backseat Bushing or Weld Deposited Materials and Hardness (Continued)

Trim Number Nominal Trim Seat Surface Hardness (HB) Minimum a Seat Surface Material Type b Seat Surface Typical Specifications Grade Stem/Bushing Stem Hardness (HB) Backseat Bushing Hardness (HB)
Cast Forged Welded c Material Type b Typical Specifications Type
19A Alloy 625 Note d Alloy 625 ASTM A494 CW6MC) ASTM B564 UNS N06625 AWS A5.14 RNiCrMo-3 Alloy 625 ASTM B564 UNS N06625 Note d Note m
19B Alloy C276 Note d Alloy C276 ASTM A494 (CW2M) ASTM B564 UNS N10276 AWS A5.14 ERNiCrMo-4 Alloy C276 ASTM B564 UNS N10276 Note d Vote m
19C Alloy 825 Note d Alloy 825 ASTMA494 (CU5MCuC) ASTM B564 UNS N08825 AWS A5.14 ERNiCrMo-3 Alloy 825 ASTM B564 UNS N08825 Note d Note m
20 Nickell and Hardfaced Note d Ni Alloy MFG Standard MFG Standard! N a Ni Alloy MFG Standard Note d Note m
350 CoCr-A g N a N a AWS 5.13 ECoCr-A or AWS 5.21 ECoCr-A
20A Alloy 625 and Hardfaced Note d Alloy 625 ASTM A494 CW6MC) ASTM B564 UNS V06625 AWS A5.14 ERNiCrMo-3 Alloy 625 ASTM B564 UNS N06625 Vote d Note m
350 i CoCr-A g N a N a AWS 5.13 ECoCr-A or AWS 5.21 ECoCr-A


Table 8 —Nominal Seating Surface,Stem,and Backseat Bushing or Weld Deposited Materials and Hardness (Continued)  

Trim Number Nominal Trim Seat Surface Hardness (HB) Minimum a Seat Suface Material Type b Seat Surface Typical Specifications Grade Stem/Bushing Stem Hardness (HB) Backseat Bushing Hardness (HB)
Cast Forged Welded c Material Type b Typical Specifications Type
20B Alloy C276 and Hardfaced Vote d Alloy C276 ASTM A494 (CW2M) ASTM B564 UNS N10276 AWS A5.14 ERNiCrMo-4 Alloy C276 ASTM B564 N10276 UNS Vote d Note m
350 CoCr-A9 N a N a AWS 5.13 ECoCr-A or AWS 5.21 ECoCr- a
20C Alloy 825 and Hardfaced Note d Alloy 825 ASTMA494 (CU5MCuC) ASTM B564 UNS N08825 AWS A5.14 ERNiCrMo-3 Alloy 825 ASTM B564 N08825 UNS Vote d Vote m
350 CoCr-A g N a N a AWS 5.13 ECoCr-A or AWS 5.21 ECoCr- a
21 Hardfaced! 350 e Co-CrA9 N a N a AWS 5.13 ECoCr-A or AWS 5.21 ECoCr- a Ni Alloy VFG Standard l Note d Note m

NOTE Cr = chromium; Ni = nickel; Co = cobalt; Cu = copper; NA = not applicable.

a HB (formerly BHN) is the symbol for the Brinell hardness per ASTM E10.

Free machining grades of 13Cr are prohibited.

Typical backseat weld deposit material.

d Manufacturer’s standard hardness.

e Diferential hardness between the body and disc seat surfaces is not required.

f Case hardness by nitriding to a thickness of 0.13 mm (0.005 in.) minimum.

g AWS 5.13 ECoCr-A or AWS 5.21 ERCoCr-A. This classifcation includes trademark materials. For plasma transfer arc welding (PTAW), process powder with the metallurgy equivalent to UNS R30006 can also be used. CoCr-E may be used only with purchaser approval, and typical CoCr-E alloys include AWS A5.13 ECoCr-E or AWS A5.21 ERCoCr-E.

h Manufacturer’s standard hardfacing with a maximum iron content of 25 %.

i Hardness diferential between the body and disc seat surfaces shall be the manufacturer’s standard.

j Monel is used strictly as an example of any nickel-copper alloy 400 matching UNS N04400 specifcations. It does not constitute any endorsement of any specifc product or company by API.

k Manufacturer’s standard with 30 Ni minimum.

l Trim materials, including stem and base material for HF trim items, shall have a corrosion resistance and temperature limit at least equal to the valve body’s corrosion resistance and pressure temperature rating.

m Per manufacturer’s standard if not hardfaced, 250 HB minimum if hardfaced

6.2 Trim

6.2.1 The trim comprises the following:
a) stem;
b) body seating surface;
c) disc seating surface;
d) bushing, or a deposited weld, for the backseat;
e) small internal parts that normally contact the service fuid, including split rings and other disc-to-stem retaining
components, are considered part of the trim.

6.2.2 The trim material, except as stated in a) through e) below, shall be the manufacturer’s standard materialfor the type listed in Table 8 for the trim number specifed in the purchase order. The typical specifcations included in Table 8 represent some acceptable grades.

a) If a trim number listed in Table 8 is specifed, then an alternative trim number as shown in Table 9 may be furnished with approval of the purchaser.

b) If a single trim (e.g. trim 5) is furnished, both the seating surface of the body seat ring and the seating surface of the disc shall be made of the type of material shown in Table 8.

c) If a combination trim (e.g. trim 8) is furnished, the seating surface of the body seat ring shall be made of one of the two types of material shown in Table 8, and the seating surface of the disc shall be made of the other type of material shown.

d) The stem, backseat, and stem hole guide, and the small internal parts (see 6.2.1 e) shall be of the type of material and hardness listed in Table 8. The stem shall be a wrought material.

e) Hardfacing of both the seat ring and disc seating surface is required for Class 900 and higher-rated valves.

6.2.3 The base material of the valve disc and separate body seat ring, when used, shall be of a nominal material composition at least equal to the body or to that of the stem material, except for disc material made of solid trim material as allowed by 5.6.4.

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