API 602 Trim Number Chart

All API 602 Trim Number, such as trim no. 2, 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.... items include the stem, the wedge/disc seating surfaces, and the body or seat ring seating surfaces.


Table 12—API 602 Nominal Seating Surfaces, Stem, or Weld Deposited Materials and Hardness

Trim No. (CN) Nominal Trim Seating
Hardness (HB)
Min, a
Seating Surface
Type b
Seating Surface Typical Specifications
Cast Forged Welded m Materia
Type b
Stem Hardness
2 304 Vote d 8Cr-8N ASTM
ASTM A182 (F304) AWS A5.9
18Cr-8Ni ASTM
Note d
3 F310 Note d 25Cr-20Ni NA A182 (F310) AWS A5.9 ER310 25Cr-20Ni A276-T310 Note d
4 Hard F6 750 e Hard 13Cr NA Note f NA 13Cr A276-T410 or T420 200 min 275 max
5 Hard-faced 350 e CoCr-A g NA NA AWS A5.13 E or R CoCr-A 13Cr A276 T410 or
200 min 275 max
5A Hard-faced 350e Ni-Cr NA NA Note h 13Cr A276 T410 or T420 200 min
275 max
6 F6 and Cu-Ni 250 13Cr A 217
(CA 15)
A182 (F6a) AWS A5.9
13Cr A276 T410 Or T420 200 min
275 max
175i Cu-Ni NA Note k NA
7 F6 and hard F6 250 i 13Cr A217
(CA 15)
A182 (F6a) AWS
13Cr A276 T410 or T420 200 min
275 max
750 i Hard 13Cr NA Note f NA
8 F6 and hard- faced 250 i 13Cr A217
(CA 15)
A182 (F6a) AWS A5.9
13Cr A276 T410
or T420 NA
200 min
275 max
350 i CoCr-A g NA NA AWS A5.13 E or
R CoCr-A
8A F6 and hard- faced 250 i 13Cr A 217
(CA 15)
A182 (F6a) AWS A5.9
13Cr A276 T410
or T420
200 min
275 max
350 i Ni-Cr NA NA Note h
9 Monel* Note d Ni-Cu alloy NA MFG standard NA Ni-Cu alloy MFG standard Note d


 Table 12—API 602 Nominal Seating Surfaces, Stem, or Weld Deposited Materials and Hardness (Continued)

Trim No (CN) Nominal Trim Seating Surface Hardness (HB)
Seating Surface Material
Type b
Seating Surface Typical Specifications Grade Stem
Cast Forged Welded m Material Type b Typical Specifications Type Stem Hardness
10 316 Note d 18Cr-8Ni- Mo A351 (CF8M) A182(F316) AWS A5.9
18Cr-8Ni-Mo A276-T316 Note d
11 Monel* and hard-faced Note d Ni-Cu alloy NA MFG standard NA Ni-Cu alloy MFG standard Note d
3501 Trim 5 or 5A NA NA See Trim 5 or 5A
12 316 and hard-faced Note d 18Cr-8Ni Mo A351 (CF8M) A182(F316 AWS A5.9 ER316 18Cr-8Ni-Mo A276-T316 Note d
3501 Trim 5 or 5A NA NA See Trim 5 or 5A
13 Alloy 20 Note d 19Cr-29N A351
B462 AWS A59 ER320 19Cr-29N B473 Note d
14 Alloy 20 and hard-faced Note d 19Cr-29Ni A351 (CN7M) B473 AWS A5.9 ER320 19Cr-29Ni B473 Note d
3501 Trim 5 or 5A NA NA See Trim 5 or 5A
15 Hard-faced 350 e CoCr-A 9 NA NA AWS 5.13 ECO Cr-A 18Cr-8Ni A276-T304 Note d
16 Hard-faced 350 e CoCr-A g NA NA AWS 5.13 Eco Cr-A 18Cr-8Ni-Mo A276-T316 Note d
17 Hard-faced 350 CoCr-A 9 NA NA AWS 5.13 Eco Cr-A 18Cr-10Ni- Cb A276-T347 Note d
18 Hard-faced 350 CoCr-A g NA NA AWS 5.13 Eco Cr-A 9Cr-29Ni B473 Note d
19 Nickel o Note d Ni alloy MFG standard o MFG standard o MEG standard Ni alloy° MFG standard ° Note d
19A Alloy 625 Note d 22Cr-58Ni ASTM A494 (CW6MC) ASTM R564
UNS N06625
AWS A5.14
22Cr-58Ni ASTM B564
UNS N06625
Note d
19B Alloy C276 Note d 15Cr-54N ASTM A494 (CW2M) ASTM B564 UNS N10276 AWS A5.14 ERNiCrMo-4 15Cr-54N ASTM B564 UNS N10276 Note d


Table 12—API 602 Nominal Seating Surfaces, Stem, or Weld Deposited Materials and Hardness (Continued)

Trim No. (CN) Nominal Trim Seating Surface Hardness (HB) Min.a Seating Surface Material Type b Seating Surface Typical Specifications Grade Stem
Cast Forged Welded m Material Type b Typical Specifications Type Stem Hardness (HB)
19C Alloy 825 Note d 21.5Cr- 42Ni ASTM A494 (CU5M CuC) ASTM B564 UNS NO8825 AWS A5.14 =RNiCrMo-3 21.5Cr-42Ni ASTM B564
UNS N08825
Note d
20 Nickel and hard-faced Note d Ni Alloy MFG standard° MFG standard o NA Ni Alloy⁰ MFG standard Note d
350 i CoCr-A9 NA NA AWS 5.13 ECoCr-A AWS 5.21 ERCoCr-A
20A Alloy 625 and hard-faced Note d 22Cr-58Ni ASTM A494 CW6MC) ASTM B564 UNS N06625 AWS A5.14 =RNiCrMo-3 22Cr-58Ni ASTM B564
UNS N06625
Note d
350 CoCr-A g NA NA AWS 5.13 ECoCr-A AWS 5.21 ERCoCr-A
20B Alloy C276 and hard-faced Note d 15Cr-54Ni ASTM A494 (CW2M) ASTM B564 UNS N10276 AWS A5.14 ERNiCrMo-4 15Cr-54Ni ASTM B564
UNS N10276
Note d
350 CoCr-A g NA NA AWS 5.13 EcoCr-A or AWS 5.21 EcoCr-A
20C Alloy 825 and hard-faced Note d 21.5Cr- 42Ni ASTM A494 (CU5MCuC) ASTM B564 UNS N08825 AWS A5.14 ERNi CrMo-3 21.5Cr-42Ni ASTM B564
UNS N08825
Note d
350 i CoCr-A g NA NA AWS 5.13 ECoCr-A or AWS 5.21 ECoCr-A


Table 12—API 602 Nominal Seating Surfaces, Stem, or Weld Deposited Materials and Hardness (Continued) 

Trim No (CN) Nominal Trim Seating Surface Hardness (HB) Min.a Seating Surface Materia Type b Seating Surface Typical Specifications Grade Stem
Cast Forged Welded m Material Type b Typica Specifications Type Stem Hardness (HB)
21 Hard-faced o 350 e CoCr-A g NA NA AWS 5.13 ECoCr-A AWS 5.21 ERCoCr-A Ni alloy° MFG standard o Note d
NOTE Cr=Chromium;Ni=Nickel;Co =Cobalt;Cu=Copper;NA =Not Applicable
a HB(formerly BHN)is the symbol for the Brinell hardness per ASTM E10 b Free machining grades of 13Cr are prohibited. Body and closure element seating surfaces should be 250 HB minimum with a 50 HB minimum differential between the body and closure element seating surfaces d Manufacturer's standard hardness. e Differential hardness between the body and closure element seating surfaces is not required. Case hardness by nitriding to a thickness of 0.13 mm(0.005 in.)minimum. g This classification includes such trademark materials as Stellite 6TM*,Stoody 6TM*and Wallex 6TM*,the use of CoCr-E(Stellite 21TM *)or equal is an acceptable substitution for CoCr-A in globe and check valves h Manufacturer's standard hardfacing with a maximum iron content of 25 %. i Hardness differential between the body and closure element seating surfaces shall be the manufacturer's standard. J Not used k Manufacturer's standard with 30 Ni minimum. l Not used m Not used n Not used o Trim materials,including stem and base material for HF trim items,shall have a corrosion resistance,and temperature limit at least equal to the valve body's corrosion resistance and pressure temperature rating *Monel is used strictly as an example of any nickel-copper alloy 400 matching UNS N04400 specifications.API standards do not endorse or require the purchase or use of proprietary products or services as a condition of implementing the standard

Trim Materials

Trim items include the stem, the wedge/disc seating surfaces, and the body or seat ring seating surfaces. The valve trim for check valves shall consist of the seating surface of the closure element and body or seat ring. The trim combination number (CN) identifies both the stem material and the associated seating surface material. Except as noted in 6.1 .2 and 6.1 .3 or when otherwise agreed between the purchaser and manufacturer, the trim material combinations shall be in accordance with Table 1 2.

Trims of free machining materials, e.g., 1 3Cr steel grades containing additions of elements such as lead, selenium, or sulfur to enhance machinability, are intentionally not listed in Table 1 2. They may be used only when specified by the purchaser, in which case they shall be identified by the appropriate trim number from Table 1 2 plus 1 00. The affected trim CN numbers would thus be identified as, for example, CN 1 01 , 1 04, 1 05, 1 06, 1 07, and 1 08. Correspondingly, hard-facing or other material overlays shall not be applied to free machining grades of base materials unless so specified by the purchaser.


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